What Categorizes a Good Leader in a Crisis?

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Atti Riazi (CIO, United Nations, Ogilvy & Mather)

A good leader must be able to bring order and hope during a time of chaos and crisis according to Riazi. She points out that even if you are scared yourself you have to rise above and be the orchestrator of the organization. She recommends that a leader come up with just three things that will help with a crisis and be successful, they will make it through the chaos.
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About Author

Atti Riazi

CIO, United Nations

Atefeh (Atti) Riazi is CIO of the United Nations and previously served in both the public and private sectors, managing large organizations as well as large-scale technology and transformational projects and initiatives. Atti is a senior executive and a philanthropist, she has published numerous articles and studies. Riazi speaks frequently on issues involving technology, organizations and work. She has also served on the Boards of financial and marketing organizations.

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