How does unintentional “bounded ethicality” bias our behavior?

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Dolly Chugh (Professor, NYU Stern School of Business)

Dolly Chugh talks about how even when we think we are acting ethically we can be biased in our own favor. She discusses how this can affect the functionality of organizations.


About Author

Dolly Chugh

Professor, NYU Stern School of Business

Dolly Chugh is an Associate Professor in the Management and Organizations Department at New York University Stern School of Business. She teaches the “Leadership in Organizations” and “Collaboration, Conflict, and Negotiations” courses to MBA students. Dolly has written on these topics in Psychological Science, Harvard Business Review, Social Justice Research, The American Economic Review, and The Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Media coverage of her research includes Forbes, the Washington Post, CosmoGirl, The New York Times, the Economist, Huffington Post, the Financial Times, and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Associated Organizations

Interviewed By

Jennifer Crumpton

Jennifer Crumpton

Sarder TV Anchor, Author & Media Professional

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