How does successful team collaboration work?

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David Ahearn  (Author & Co-founder, Four Day Weekend)

David Ahearn explains how successful team collaboration can create magic within an organization. According to Ahearn, we all have unique life experiences and knowledge and if we honor those differences and work together instead of competing against each other we can create real progress. He talks about if you buy into the “dog eat dog world” philosophy you might get to the top but there will be no one beside you.


About Author

David Ahearn

Author & Co-founder, Four Day Weekend
David Ahearn is an entrepreneur in residence at TCU'S Neeley School of Business and has performed more than 5,000 live shows with Four Day Weekend. He travels the world performing both Four Day Weekend’s live shows, hosting events and keynoting for Fortune 500 companies. Ahearn and his Four Day Weekend colleague's new book, "Happy Accidents, the Transformative Power of Yes, And At Work and In Life", became a National Bestseller and the Four Day Weekend was recently named "Entrepreneurs in Residence" at TCU's Neely School of Business sharing their "Yes, And" philosophy and how it applies to business.

Interviewed By

Vaishali Jain

Vaishali Jain

Sarder TV Journalist, and Former Bloomberg TV Journalist

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