How do corporate boards replace board members?

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Irene Chang Britt (Independent Board Director)

Irene Chang Britt explains how well run boards are evaluated as both a group and as individual board members on a yearly basis. According to Britt, this review should include a look at whether there is a skills gap on the board or if a board member is not doing their job effectively. She discusses how board replacement occurs other than through retirement or term limits.


About Author

Irene Chang Britt

Independent Board Director of Tailored Brands, Dunkin' Brands & TerraVia Holdings

Irene Chang Britt is an experienced and forward-thinking independent board director- widely sought out for innovative perspectives on corporate governance. Former president at Pepperidge Farm Inc., and currently Independent Board Director of Tailored Brands, Dunkin' Brands & TerraVia Holdings, she is also a frequent speaker on corporate governance best practices. Irene is a highly regarded boardroom leader on global strategy, changing consumer desires, cultural transformation and the impacts of new technologies.

Interviewed By

Vaishali Jain

Vaishali Jain

Sarder TV Journalist, and Former Bloomberg TV Journalist

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