Can you explain the main tenets of Social Design?


Cheryl Heller (Author & Founder of CommonWise)

Cheryl Heller goes over the main principles behind the concept of Social Design. This includes a design process of innovation and creativity that is applied to human relationships and done at scale. She explains how the process itself helps to reframe problems in a way that also teaches individuals how to create conditions for success.



About Author

Cheryl Heller

Author & Founder of CommonWise

Cheryl Heller is the Founding Chair of the first MFA program in Design for Social Innovation at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, and is President of the design lab CommonWise. She is the recipient of the AIGA Medal for her contributions to the field of design, and a Rockefeller Bellagio Fellowship. Her clients have included Ford Motor Company, American Express, Pfizer, Mars Corporation, Seventh Generation, L’Oreal, and The World Wildlife Fund. She created the Ideas that Matter program for Sappi in 1999, which has given over $13 million to designers working for the public good. Her book, The Intergalactic Design Guide, was published by Island Press in 2018.

Interviewed By

Vanessa Tyler

Vanessa Tyler

Sarder TV Journalist, and Emmy Award-Winning Journalist & Anchor

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