What role did mentors have in shaping your life and your career decisions?

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Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn (Chief Knowledge Officer, Cisco)

Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn talks about how she did not have traditional mentors but she has learned to ask for guidance and coaches to achieve specific goals.


About Author

Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn

VP & General Manager, Cisco

Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn is Vice President and General Manager for Learning@Cisco, Technical Services (TS) Strategy and Operations. She oversees business planning and the strategic portfolio for TS. Beliveau-Dunn is a 17-year Cisco veteran and has been in the industry for over 25 years. Her first role at Cisco was overseeing the Cisco channels sales team for global markets. Beliveau-Dunn then created the Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), a consulting team working with Cisco’s largest customers around the globe, establishing this team as an innovation agent.

Associated Organizations

Interviewed By

Vaishali Jain

Vaishali Jain

Sarder TV Journalist, and Former Bloomberg TV Journalist

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