What kind of impact does the lack of financial planning have on grieving families?


Jessica Weaver (Author & Wealth Advisor at Raymond James)

Jessica Weaver explains that if families have not created a will or done sufficient estate planning, the death of a family member and the combination of grief and money can tear families apart. She talks about the issues that can occur with insufficient financial planning including not only problems after death but with funding long term and nursing home care


About Author

Jessica Weaver

Author & Wealth Advisor at Raymond James

Jessica Weaver, CFP®, CDFA™, CFS® is a Wealth Advisor, who focuses her work on women like you. Jess found herself on a mission to help more women gain control, clarity, and confidence over their finances and the next chapter of their life. Her focus is on women nearing retirement or in retirement to help guide them through their money concerns, questions, and emotions. Jessica is the author of Time to Refine: A Strong Woman's Guide to Retiring on Her Own Terms.

Interviewed By

Vanessa Tyler

Vanessa Tyler

Sarder TV Journalist, and Emmy Award-Winning Journalist & Anchor

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