How does the physical work space impact the company culture?

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Kevin J. Mulcahy (Author & Partner, Future Workplace)

Kevin Mulcahy talks about the importance of the physical space of the workplace and how it can affect the employee culture, wellness, and provide employees with the “customer experience” that they desire at work. He discusses ways in which employers can address such issues as air quality, access to healthy water and food, and how the physical space can contribute to collaboration and a feeling of community.


About Author

Kevin J. Mulcahy

Author & Partner, Future Workplace

Kevin J. Mulcahy is a partner with Future Workplace and co-host of The Future Workplace Network, a membership community for HR executives. Organizations across multiple industries and geographies regularly engage him to facilitate corporate workshops on ‘future proofing’ their business and HR strategies. Kevin coaches on leadership effectiveness at the Harvard Business School and is an adjunct faculty member at Babson College.

Associated Organizations

Interviewed By

Vaishali Jain

Vaishali Jain

Sarder TV Journalist, and Former Bloomberg TV Journalist

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