About Author

Marga Hoek

Author, Speaker and Global Thought Leader

Marga Hoek is a three-time CEO, Chair, and Board Member. Due to her visionary, purpose-driven leadership, Hoek has gained recognition over the years as a global thought leader on sustainable business and capital. She is a multi-golden-awarded bestselling author of the trailblazing titles New Economy Business (2014) and The Trillion Dollar Shift (2018). Fortune praised The Trillion Dollar Shift, which highlights opportunities the UN’s Global Goals hold for business, as “required reading.” Recognized by Thinkers50 for her global management thinking, Marga Hoek coined the slogan "Business for Good" in 2014 to emphasize her mission "to make Business for Good the norm, rather than the exception."

Interviewed By

Vaishali Jain

Vaishali Jain

Sarder TV Journalist, and Former Bloomberg TV Journalist

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