What is Social Entrepreneurship?
Susan Davis (Former CEO, BRAC USA) Susan defines social entrepreneurs as people who use their business skills to help solve social problems. She says when businesses not only create jobs but can produce positive benefits for people and the planet we will no longer need social entrepreneurship.

A Good Trainer is Focused on Student
Jeff Furman (Author & NetCom Learning Instructor) PMP certified trainer, Jeff Furman talks about how a trainer that leads by example and puts caring about the student before everything else exemplifies a good teacher.

What is ‘Triangle Strategy’?
Michael Tull (Author & Adjunct Faculty, New York University) In this video, Michael Tull identifies and triangulates the key elements that operate in any organization including the goal, the leaders, the performers and tasks. This universal model of elements in an organization or a company is what Michael says you need to pay attention to when

What is your philosophy of good HR?
Vincent Suppa (CEO of HR and Adjunct Professor, NYU) According to Vincent Suppa, HR is good business and increases the value of the business for owners and shareholders. He discusses the changes coming in HR due to automation, and he compares the function of HR to the position of the Minister Without Portfolio that is held

What is the cost of employee disengagement?
Michael Chayes (Managing Principal, Sustained Leadership LLC) Michael Chayes discusses the real costs to organizations for employee disengagement. He talks about how the need for engaged and committed employees will be greater in the future.

What advice do you give young people entering the business world today?
Dolly Chugh (Professor, NYU Stern School of Business) Dolly Chugh, Associate Professor of the NYU Stern School of Business, talks with Jennifer Crumpton, Sarder TV correspondent, about what she hopes will stay front and center with young people throughout their careers.

What is the central theme of The End of Accounting?
Baruch Lev (Author & Professor, NYU Stern School of Business) Professor Baruch Lev provides an overview of his book, The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for investors and Managers, that he co-wrote with Feng Gu. He discusses the purpose of the book with Sarder TV correspondent, Tracey Fitzpatrick, including his point that company financial