What has being a child actor meant to your life?

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Robin Morgan (Author, Poet & Former Child Actor)

Robin Morgan, former child actor, with her own live radio show by age five, turned poet, writer and political activist, meets with Jennifer Crumptom, SarderTV correspondent, and discusses what she got out of being a child actor both positive and negative and how it has affected her adult life.


About Author

Robin Morgan

Author, Award Winning Poet & Former Child Actor

Robin Morgan is an American poet, author, political theorist, and activist, journalist, lecturer, and former child actor. Since the early 1960s she has been a key member of the American Women’s Movement and a leader in the international feminist movement. Her 1970 anthology “Sisterhood is Powerful” was cited by the New York Public Library as “One of the 100 most influential Books of the 20th Century,” along with those of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx. She was Editor Ms. Magazine, hosts the popular podcast “Women’s Media Center Live with Robin Morgan,” and has a published 22 books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, the latest of which is “Dark Matter: New Poems” (2018).

Interviewed By

Jennifer Crumpton

Jennifer Crumpton

Sarder TV Anchor, Author & Media Professional

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