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Sarder CLO LIVE #1 (Approach to Competency Model Development)

On August 18, 2015, Sarder TV hosted it’s first CLO LIVE at the Hilton Times Square, in conjunction with Cisco Collaborative. It was a lively discussion, with a panel consisting of:

– Roseanna DeMaria, CLO NYU SCPS Leadership & Human Capital Management, Former CLO Merrill Lynch
– T.J. Elliott, CLO at Educational Testing Service
– Robert Burnside, CLO at Ketchum, an Omnicom Company

The theme of the event was Learning: Approach to Competency Model Development. At the event, learning leaders explored how companies are experimenting with and applying new Competency Model Development approaches to meet the demands of the modern workforce.


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Sarder Talks

Sarder Talks are exclusive networking and panel discussion events for target leaders – those who oversee initiatives for their enterprises’ workforce, customer, suppliers and partners. We present leaders the opportunity to network with peer level professionals, while learning new ideas and strategies that they can replicate within their own organizations, to build a best practices culture.

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